Title: My little pony
On Sunday I went to see Chisom and Api to come over to my house and they said yes they went with me to go to my house and when we went outside we saw my little ponies by my house. My little pony was busting down my house because they got angry at us and we went inside to get some some ice cream and they had break the window because they were to crazy with their head. My little pony got a Brain freeze and their head went crazy with their head and they smash the window with their head and they are mean to me and chisom and Api. We got the yummiest food for them to eat at our house and thy ate it all up and they feet good and you feet happy because the little ponys smiled at us because we gave them yummm food to eat outside. The lesson learnt by gave them some yummy food to eat outside and they didn’t hurt any single people that lives by us.